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A unique feature not shared by other Gretsch models is the fact that the Duo Jet also had its serial number handwritten on the outside edge of the black. Of these debut-batch Duo Jets is the “script”-style logo inlaid on their headstocks—a carryover from the company's Synchromatic guitar line, which had a. Prs Serial Number Handwritten. Prs guitar serial number. Year Identification / Serial Numbers Excerpt from The PRS Guitars Book, written by Dave Burrluck Serial Number Year-Code Prefix. All guitars and basses have serial numbers which start with a year prefix. All guitars and basses have serial numbers which start with a year prefix. The prefix is the last one or two digits of the production year, and it applies to all models below. You can also look up. PRS Dating & Serial Numbers PRS Dating & Serial Numbers > > OLD PAGE This Is A Very Simple Formula PRS serial numbers are very easy to figure out. Serial Number Year-Code Prefix All guitars and basses have serial numbers which start with a year prefix. The prefix is the last one or two digits of the production year, and it applies to all models below. I am looking at buying a 2004 PRS McCarty this Sunday. The serial number is stamped instead of handwritten like my 2005 McCarty, is this legit? Captain_bob, Oct 2, 2009.
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