Samsung Galaxy S I9003 Firmware Download Odin

Samsung Galaxy S I9003 Firmware Download Odin 9,3/10 4423 votes

Here's all the list of the Samsung Galaxy S SL Original Stock ROM firmware available for download, You may need this if you want to update or re-flash.

Since there is no guide for flashing the Samsung galaxy S gt i9003 I have thought to make a thread on it so here it goes 1. Download and run odin. Dlya portfolio semejnoe derevo. Check Re-Partition, Auto Reboot and F. Click PIT button and select this file: latona_20110114.pit 4.

Put your phone into download mode: Press Volume down + OK + Power. Connect USB cable and the program will detect the phone's Com number. Click Start button to download the PIT file to phone. After it is Done Click on Reset button, then unselect Re-Partition box. Click PDA button and select this file: I9003xxxxx-xxx.-PDA-low-CL890053.tar.md5 9. Click PHONE button and select this file: MODEM_I9003xxxxx_REV_00_CL889972.tar.md5 10. Click CSC button and select this file: GT-I9003-CSC-xxxxxx.tar.

Remove the battery, then enter Device into Download Mode again. Click Start button to flash these files to phone. Do not touch anything till you see PASS on the program window. Just do a factory reset after flashing using recovery DOWNLOAD THE FIRMWARES FROM THIS THREAD: IF there is only a file of the f.w i.e. Pda file then do NOT use a pit file for flashing just select the pda and flash it I have also attached the Odin and.pit file for download Enjoy flashing and do at your own risk. Jul 16, 2016 Flash Samsung Galaxy SL GT-I9003 + Firmware, Odin & Usb Driver. Flash Samsung Galaxy SL i9003 Android Froyo 2.2 Stock Rom.

Samsung Galaxy S (ODIN. Xda-developers Samsung Galaxy S I9000 Galaxy S I9000 Android Development [ROM] Firmware: XXJPU (FROYO 2.2.1!). Kies - can be flashed with ODIN over any firmware. Even though the Samsung Galaxy SL I9003 is already history, its specs and features being now only mid-range ones, its users can still improve the performances of their devices by updating with a custom ROM firmware. Furthermore, by doing the same the Galaxy SL will be updated to custom Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean software, so you will be able to test the latest Android apps and features on your own smartphone.

If I have aroused your attention, then check the following lines and learn how to install the Jelly Bean 4.1.2 based Remics ROM on the Galaxy SL. First, remember that the Galaxy SL will no longer receive official updates from Samsung due to hardware limitations, so updating with custom ROMs is all that you can do for improving the OS, the performances and capabilities of your phone. Currently Gingerbread is the stock firmware for the SL, but as you know, there are many ICS and now Jelly Bean based custom platforms available for your device; you can take a look over our “” section for suitable tutorials. So, in order to conclude the up mentioned lines, here is what you need to know so far: the Remics system is not an official Jelly Bean update for your Galaxy SL; in fact we are dealing with a custom ROM firmware, which means that this guide is risky and complex. Because of that you need to read all the next lines or else you can end up in bricking your handset.


Furthermore, the SL will not receive the ICS or Jelly Bean touch so installing a custom firmware is the only solution for those who want to enjoy the same. It is important to begin this tutorial with a backup operation because, as you will see below, during the update procedure a system wipe will be required. That means that all of your data which is being saved on the Samsung Galaxy SL internal storage memory will be erased. Therefore, take your time and backup the contacts list, folder, market apps, text messages, personal info and everything else you might need. Also, it is recommended to make a; in this way you can save / restore the stock ROM. Now, for being able to install the Jelly Bean based Remics custom ROM on the Galaxy SL, you first need to root your smartphone.