Lpc2129 Lcd Interfacing Program Code
Hi friends, im working on LPC2129, Its LCD program is not working on power on reset. After turning on its requires a press on reset button for displaying the LCD. Source code aplikasi penjualan barang kairanje. I have put proper delay on the begining of the program but its not working as i expected. Interfacing 16X2 LCD with LPC2148 tutorial: OCFreaks! First i followed the oc freaks program for interfacing of lcd 16X2 with ARM lpc2148. I can understand the coding and successfully execute the program in my ARM lpc2148 development board. What the program in oc freak tutorial followed is they using port 1 (RS = P1.16 & EN = P1.17) for.
Here ARM LPC2129 Mini Development Board is interfaced with a LCD module (2×16) operating at 5V. The voltage at the third pin of the LCD used to adjusting contrast. LCD can work either in 4 or 8 bit mode. Here, the circuit is designed to work in 4bit mode.
Control lines (RS, R/W,E) are connected to port pins P1.17,P1.18, P1.19 and data lines (D4-D7) to port pins P1.20,P1.21,P1.22,P1.23 in 4bit mode. For reliable Performance, LCD has to be initialized.
On powering microcontroller send initialization commands to LCD for better working. The sample code below gives LCD display output ” RhydoLABZ ” in line 1 and “ Cochin” in line 2. Schematic: Sample code.