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Edit: If you get that missing dll error, you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 which you can download from here microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 but you need to make sure you download the x86 version because I downloaded the x64 version and it would still not run. Which means you can ignore the rest of my review as it is before I installed the required software. Yeah, a few months ago it worked just fine. Then I had to reset my PC by re-installing Windows 10 and after re-downloading this I get the missing dll error and the 0xwhatever error that I even screencapped here i.imgur.com/kRQzPOH.png It used to work, well, normally. Conroe presler fsb1066 dual core cpu drivers for windows 7. I even tried the one I had before the reset since I backed up my PC, but it had the same problem.
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