How To Play Blues Ukulele Pdf Songs
There are lots of user-sourced tab sites that get a ton of traffic these days. “Amateur” tabs are how I got started (back when that’s ALL you could find) so I hate to knock them, but be aware that their quality can vary dramatically. If something just doesn’t sound right, it probably isn’t. Move on to the next thing. That said, there are lots of really great sources of free ‘ukulele tabs out there!
My favorites are: • – Dom was one of the first guys posting note-for-note transcriptions online. Some of his stuff is VERY advanced if you need a challenge. Mostly Hawaiian and popular songs. • – Al Wood does a good job covering riffs and intros/outros for a lot of pop/punk/rock songs. They usually include video examples/tutorials. Other Tab Articles/Resources Here are some links to information regarding how to read tab and other related articles.
The blues is at the heart of a lot of modern music. You can hear the influence of the blues in rock, pop, jazz and more. How To Play Blues Ukulele covers everything from the absolute basics like simple 12 bar blues patterns to more complex playing techniques, progressions, riffs and more.
– How to shift the numbers around so you can play a tab that isn’t necessarily meant for your tuning. – Being able to ear out a song is a very valuable skill. Here are some tips for DIY songs. – ‘Ukulele tabs aren’t hard to figure out, but you need to know what you’re looking at to make sense of them. – A single-page PDF containing everything you need to know to get started reading tabs. – A walkthrough of manipulating this old open-source tab program to work for ‘ukulele. – A PDF of common symbols seen in tabs from hammer-ons to trills to bends.
– Excerpts from songs that aren’t complete, but worth sharing. Blank Tab Sheets Create your own tabs! Quickly notate the notes to a song, picking part, chord sequence, arpeggio, scale, etc Use the standard notation version for relating notes on the fretboard to their pitches as they appear on the staff. Great for notating fingers on tab and note duration on the staff.
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Throughout October I decided to play nothing but the blues. It didn’t matter if there was something else I desperately wanted to learn, it would have to wait. Why did I do this I hear you cry (ok maybe I can’t hear you but if you’re still reading you must be interested). Prefer listening to audio?
You can listen to this post by clicking the play button below or you can here. Quite frankly I wasn’t improving.
My practice sessions had lost their way. I’d find myself half learning the intro to a song and moving on to something else that tickled my fancy.
By focusing only on the blues, I figured I would have to see some improvement in my playing. I wasn’t specifically looking for improvement in the blues, but with it having such a strong standing in modern music it seemed like a good place to start. Here I am on day 1. A post shared by (@ukulelego) on Sep 30, 2017 at 9:01am PDT I’ve detailed below everything I found helpful when it came to progressing my blues ukulele playing. Those resources took a number of forms: physical books, ebooks, YouTube channels, websites and more. I looked all over for material to help me learn.
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Probably the two main resources were Al Wood’s ebook. I learned quite a lot in my 30 days and I’ll definitely be doing it again! If you’ve spent any time on this site you’ll know that I’ve mentioned Al Wood’s How to Play Blues Ukulele before. It’s pretty much the most comprehensive resource out there for blues ukulele (certainly that I’ve found). It starts off very simple but takes you to a good level covering everything from strumming to licks and riffs.