Drajvera Dlya Intel Core I3 2310m
Based on 27,060 user benchmarks for the Intel Core i3-2310M and the Core i3-5005U, we rank them both on effective speed and value for money against the best 1,144 CPUs.
Age Newest 47+ Months More recent. +25% 63+ Months SC Int Single Core Integer Speed 59.3 Pts Slightly faster single-core int speed. +8% 54.8 Pts SC Float Single Core Floating Point Speed 65.4 Pts Faster single-core fp speed. +18% 55.4 Pts QC Int Quad Core Integer Speed 148 Pts Slightly faster quad-core int speed. +9% 136 Pts QC Float Quad Core Floating Point Speed 172 Pts Faster quad-core fp speed. +22% 141 Pts MC Int Multi Core Integer Speed 149 Pts Slightly faster multi-core int speed.
+8% 138 Pts MC Float Multi Core Floating Point Speed 173 Pts Faster multi-core fp speed. +22% 142 Pts. How it works • - Download and run UserBenchMark.
• - CPU tests include: integer, floating and string. • - GPU tests include: six 3D game simulations. • - Drive tests include: read, write, sustained write and mixed IO. • - RAM tests include: single/multi core bandwidth and latency. • - Reports are generated and presented on userbenchmark.com. • - Identify the strongest components in your PC.
• - See speed test results from other users. • - your components to the current market leaders. • - Explore your best upgrade options with a. • - Compare your to other users with your hardware. • - Share your opinion by voting.
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