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Copyrighted Material INTRODUCTION ThePoem The Age of A nxietybeginsinfearanddoubt,butthefourprotagonists findsomecomfortinsharingtheirdistress.Ineventhisaccidental andtemporarycommunitytherearisesthepossibility ofwhat Auden once called “local understanding.” Certain anxieties may be overcomenotbythealtering ofgeopoliticalconditionsbutbythecultivation of mutual sympathy—perhaps mutual love, even among those whohoursbeforehadbeenstrangers. The Age of AnxietyisW.H. Auden’slastbooklengthpoem,hislongest poem, and almost certainly the leastread of his major works.
(“It’sfrightfullylong,”hetoldhisfriendAlanAnsen.)Itwouldbeinterestingtoknowwhatfraction ofthosewhobeginreadingitpersist totheend. Thepoemisstrangeandoblique;itpursuesinahighly concentratedformmany of Auden’slongtermfascinations.Itsmeter imitatesmedievalalliterativeverse,which Audenhadbeendrawnto as an undergraduate when he attended J.R.R.
Tolkien’s lectures in AngloSaxonphilology,andwhichclearlyinfluencesthepoems ofhis earlytwenties. The Age of Anxietyislargelyapsychological,orpsychohistorical,poem,andthesewerethecategoriesinwhich Audenpreferredtothinkinhisearlyadulthood(includinghisundergraduate yearsatOxford,whenheenjoyedtherole ofconfidentialamateur analystforhisfriends).
Thepoemalsoembraces Auden’sinterestin,amongotherthings, thearchetypaltheories ofCarlGustavJung,Jewishmysticism,English murdermysteries,andthelinguisticandculturaldifferencesbetween EnglandandAmerica.Woventhroughitishisnearlylifelongobsessionwiththepoeticandmythological“greenworld” Audenvariously calls Arcadia or Eden or simply the Good Place. Auden’s previous longpoemhadbeencalled“ TheSeaandtheMirror:ACommentary on Shakespeare’s The Tempest,“ and Shakespeare haunts this poem.
First edition Spain is a poem by written after his visit to the. Spain was described by as 'one of the few decent things that have been written about the Spanish war'. It was written and published in 1937. Auden donated all the profits from the sale of Spain to the. Auden published two versions of the poem, first as a pamphlet Spain (1937), then, in revised form and titled 'Spain 1937', in his book (1940). He later rejected the poem from his collected editions, regarding it as a 'dishonest' poem that expressed political views that he never believed but which he thought would be rhetorically effective. The poem describes the history that led up to the Spanish Civil War, then the arrival of the at the war itself, then foresees a possible future that may result from the war.
Reception and Influence [ ] On its publication, described Spain as 'good medium Auden in a good cause—the Spanish Medical Aid'. Connolly criticized the poem's use of concepts, but ended his review of Spain by saying 'the conclusion is very fine.' The poem was widely discussed, notably by in ' (1940) and in reply to Orwell, 'Outside the Whale' ( Out of Apathy, 1960). The scientist, a great admirer of Auden, took the title of his 1943 book Time: The Refreshing River from Spain. References [ ].