Diablo 2 Level 99 Druid Download
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction v1.11 High Leveling Guide Version 1.06 Final by Cloud-Strife-J (AKA Tifas-Revenge, John Reeske) July 16th, 2005 Table of Contents 1. Version History 1.5 The Truth about High Leveling and Bots 2.
The story of Tifas-Revenge, and the 2nd ladder season race in July-August, 2004 2.5. V1.11 Notes 3. Leveling Strategies and Techniques 4. Specific Character Guide 5.
Buy Diablo 2 items,d2 items,Cdkey,Power Leveling,Premade Account, Diablo 2 Items store for 24/7 Instant Delivery in game 5mins. Buy cheap D2 items like perfect uniques, weapon, armor, helm, ring, amulet, Rare Magic crafted d2 items also. Diablo II is an action role-playing hack-and-slash computer video game developed by Blizzard. An expansion to the game, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, was released in 2001. The maximum level that any character can obtain is level 99. Two additional character classes, the Druid and Assassin, were added in the.
Legal Info 6. Special Thanks Contact Info: John Reeske (AKA Tifas-Revenge, Cloud Strife J) email:John0309@aol.com Main Diablo 2/Battle.Net Accounts: *john0309 *john03092 (NOTE: They are sometimes shared with some of my friends, Alana and AJ mainly) GameFAQs Forums User Name: Cloud Strife J (Account Name: Tifas_Revenge) 1. Version History 6-17-2005 (v1.0 beta) First Version. 5 Sections started, not completed yet.
6-26-2005 (v1.01 beta) Did some more of the Specific Characters (Assassin) 7-4-2005 (v1.02 beta) Minor changes/Additions everywhere, sections still not complete. Submitted today to GameFAQs for review, happy 4th of July. Special Thanks Section Added. Attack Barbarian section complete. Many spelling/formatting errors fixed. 7-6-2005 (v1.03 beta) Finished working on the Wind Druid section.
Put up missing charms in the Attack Barbarian gear section. Did some more minor corrections and added in my prize pack in the Story section. 7-7-2005 (No version yet here) Added a new technique: Placeholders. 7-11-2005 (v1.04 beta) Lightning Javazon section now done. 7-16-2005 (v1.05 beta) Warcry Barb and Necromancer Sections now done.' 8-25-2005 (v1.06 Final) Many people have doubts right now that I levelled Tifas-Revenge to 99. Devanagari calligraphy pdf download. I added a section entitled 'The Truth about Leveling and Bots' so that people could read up on the facts.
Also updated info for 1.11, and revised the Bone Necro Section. The Truth about High Leveling and Bots Many of you may have doubts about me, my acomplishments, and such things, as most people in Ladder Season 2 around October of 2004 used a Baal Bot to level their characters to 99 (Hammerdins mainly). As proof of this, I was able to re-create the bot and to my astonishment, found that I could have a level 99 character without doing any of the leveling myself, given that I had the right equipment/gear for that character. Long after I had levelled Tifas-Revenge to 99 manually (she hit 99 in August), without the help of any bot at all, I tried out some of the programs myself to see if getting a level 99 could be done in this way because I always had my doubts because the bots I saw always died and losed a lot of experience since they cannot recover dead bodies. I ran an experiment with my Hammerdin; levelled to 90 manually, then downloaded D2JSP's YAMB (Yet another Multi-bot for 1.10). Setting the thing up was hard enough, as the instructions were very complicated and the bot had so many different variables and settings. However, in the end, I proved to everyone else that you could just as easily get to level 99 with a bot as you could legitly.
I had to live with this fact and basically a lot of people often criticized and called me a hipocrit for this. However, this was merely an experiment to see what was possible since I refused to believe that you could get to level 99 with a bot. It took the bot from level 90 to 99 about 5 months (December to May), more than 3 times longer than I did manually running since the bot died a lot, had no way of getting experience shrines or doing any special levelling techniques, not to mention it wasn't using Ondals Wisdom. I also ran the bot on Tifas-Revenge a couple of times in February for kicks, and found that it didn't work very well; she had died about half the time while in the Throne of Destruction to Cold Immunes (Hell Witches mainly and Minion Wave 2 Death Mages).
Imagine if I had been running this bot at level 98 with a lot of experience. It would have taken 2 weeks of hard work levelling and thrown it all away in a matter of minutes. Conclusions: I would not recommend running a bot at all if you wish to level the fastest, since it will die even with some of the best possible gear you could find, and not get its body back. Sometimes it has gotten stuck without Gold since the mercenary would always die, and therefore would be unable to buy potions. I give full credit to everyone who developed the bot to level up, but personally, if I was running ladder season, I would not run a bot since: A. I wouldn't have the best gear for it and it would die often (this is especially true during the first month or so of ladder).